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Dental Logic Joke Page

The Dental Logic Joke Page provides an area where we can share funny stories, Please feel free to submit jokes or stories to us to be included here.

08/05/03 11:54:26 AM

Don't Shoot the Docs

Our newest submission:

From: Dr Naveen

dentist: YOU'VE GOT A LARGE CAVITY...you've got a large cavity.

patient : You don't have to repeat it doc, I heard it the first time.

dentist : I didn't, its just the echo from your cavity. 

True Story......

Here's my story: When I was going to college to become a CDA
I had a patient come to the college of a polishing and Fluoride Tx.
When we were walking into the clinic, he looked around and saw that everyone was wearing glasses. He asked me if a pre-req. for the course was to have bad eye sight. I then had to explain that most of us where just wearing safety glasses. That is a true story.

Submitted by: Dawn Scaife

A patient enters the dental office with a very bad tooth which he wants extracted. The gruff old dentist states ";I can take that out for you. It will cost $50 without pain, or $100 with ";

The patient looks strangely at the dentist and says, "I will have the tooth removed without pain, thank you."

The dentist begins removing the tooth immediately and the patient begins to squirm, in obvious pain and the dentist says, "you better be quiet or it will cost you another 50 dollars."

Here's an oldie but goodie.......

A patient sits in the dental chair with severely fractured front teeth. After discussing how they will be restored and what the fee would be the patient says, " Before we begin, Doc, I gotta know: Will I be able to play the trumpet when you are finished? "

The dentist replies " Sure you will! "

The patient replies " Great, I couldn't play a note before! "

A "True" Story

A dentist related that he was being sued for a root canal that had failed.

I hope you got a good fee for it!

Actually, I did not charge anything for it. It was on my golf partner! Who is a lawyer. When asked why he would sue his friend, the lawyer said, Its only a law suit!

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Last update Page address
08/05/03 http://www.dentallogic.com/Jokes.htm

is created and maintained by: Stephen J. Charnitski D.M.D. and Robert W. Beadle D.D.S. Pages were created in both Macintosh and Windows. We are solely responsible for everything. Web page and site development, and maintenance are our expertise.
Site Creation; September 17th, 1996
